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Itchy rash on the hands

Itchy rash on the hands

Itching (pruritus) can be caused by various factors. In conjunction with the rash, it is most often skin irritation from external influences, skin diseases including fungi and parasites, or allergies.

Itchy rash on the hands 2

An itchy rash on the hands or upper arms often occurs as a reaction to a combination of UV radiation from the sun and medications and ointments used, as well as UV radiation and certain chemicals. Medications that are incompatible with sun exposure include mainly tetracycline, chemotherapy drugs, anti-inflammatory ointments and corticosteroids. But even common cosmetics, including sunscreens, contain substances that can cause an itchy rash on the hands.

An itchy rash on the hands or armpits can be caused by poor hygiene after heavy sweating, when bacteria multiply and cause inflammation in the form of a rash. It can also be a reaction of the skin to a new perfume, new underwear or a poorly washed washing powder. Mycoses also thrive in warm and steamy armpits.

An itchy rash on the hands or elbow sockets is a sign of atopic eczema. The skin is dry, itchy and peels. At the time of the outbreak of atopic eczema, small pimples or blisters appear and the skin itches badly.

An itchy rash on the hands or in between the fingers may appear as a reaction to irritation from one of the thousands of substances with which the skin comes into contact. Household chemicals, chlorinated water, soaps, animal hair and feathers, dust, plant and animal juices, proteins, etc. Mycoses often occur in the interdigital area, causing itchy rashes. Itching, especially in the evening and at night, can be caused by the parasite scabies.

The itchy rash on the hands or on the backs of the hands is almost certainly a matter of 'eczema from wear and tear'. The skin becomes more sensitive with age, dries out and is easily irritated by anything. It becomes dry and tight and therefore itchy. Tiny pimples causing redness are symptoms of non-infectious skin inflammation. An itchy rash on the backs of the hands (but not only there) in the form of blisters also appears when the skin is exposed to UV light and some photosensitive substance together. For example, when weeding parsnips, celery, carrots, etc.

Treatment of itchy rash on the hands depends on the correct diagnosis. We must always first get rid of the agent - the stimulus that provokes the irritation. This means isolating the skin from the irritant in case of irritation or allergy, using antifungal drugs in case of mycoses and antiparasitics in case of scabies. Then treat the symptoms - itching and rash.
From itching of the skin relieve cold compresses, camphor ointment or panthenol, drugs with antihistamines and corticosteroid ointments. For dry rashes, apply zinc ointment, for wet rashes zinc oil or black ichthyoxyl ointment. We dry the wet rash with compresses and baths in a weak pink hypermanganese solution.
Getting rid of skin irritation that comes from the normal environment is difficult. You can try Dermaguard barrier cream, which protects the skin from irritants for 4-6 hours.

Dermaguard Crema protectora barrera


Hidratación y protección de la piel frente a agentes irritantes.

  • La crema forma una barrera invisible de larga duración contra los agentes irritantes de la piel.
  • Equipo de protección individual certificado apto para plantas de producción, consultorios y hogares.
  • Protege hasta 6 horas, hidrata, no grasa, no perfumada

Comprar crema

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