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Eczema, dermatitis del pañal, piel seca... ... una solución
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Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis

What is atopic dermatitis? Atopic dermatitis is an inaccurate term for atopic eczema. Atopic dermatitis appears in the form of skin inflammation. This inflammation can manifest not only as eczema but also as urticaria or angioedema (swelling).

Atopic dermatitis 2

What causes atopic dermatitis?

The manifestation of atopic dermatitis is most often triggered by food allergens, chemicals, metals and animal hair. Atopic dermatitis from insect bites or stings is also common.

Do you suspect atopic dermatitis?

Your suspicions can be reliably confirmed or refuted by skin tests carried out by a dermatologist or allergist. You can find out whether itchy skin, recurring rashes or swelling are caused by a previously hidden allergy.

Why know if you really have an allergy?

Although the symptoms of atopic dermatitis and skin hypersensitivity look the same, the difference is significant. Behind the manifestation of atopic dermatitis is a reaction of the whole body. While in hypersensitivity only the skin reacts to irritation, in atopic dermatitis the body can go into shock. Allergy sufferers should carry medication that can save their lives in the event of a violent reaction.

Is atopic dermatitis life-threatening?

In any case, it is not good to underestimate allergy. On the other hand, only one per cent of allergy sufferers suffer from atopic dermatitis. The usual manifestations of atopic dermatitis are limited to recurrent inflammation, which can be soothed and treated with conventional treatments.
Treatment of atopic dermatitis urticaria
Treatment of atopic dermatitis eczema

Can atopic dermatitis be prevented?

In a proportion of people with allergies, their disposition may never manifest. In others, it appears only a few times in a lifetime. But at least 20% of people suffer from a regular recurrence of the problem.  Sometimes it is difficult or impossible to eliminate "their" allergen from life. For eczematous manifestations, a barrier cream can play a role, limiting the penetration of the allergen to the skin, much like gloves. Diet can also be a definite chance to limit the manifestations of atopic dermatitis. Many foods contain the substance histamine. This is also produced by our body. It is histamine that causes the reactions that accompany allergies - itching, cramps, swelling, etc. By avoiding foods that contain large amounts of histamine or those that stimulate the release of histamine, the adverse reactions can be reduced.

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Hidratación y protección de la piel frente a agentes irritantes.

  • La crema forma una barrera invisible de larga duración contra los agentes irritantes de la piel.
  • Equipo de protección individual certificado apto para plantas de producción, consultorios y hogares.
  • Protege hasta 6 horas, hidrata, no grasa, no perfumada

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