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Eczema, diaper rash, dry skin... ...one solution

Dermatology Blog

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Skin care

After thirty, skin elasticity slowly decreases, skin becomes more sensitive, weaker and easily affected by stress or sleeping. Many of us panic after a morning check in the mirror and try all…

Intertrigo: prevention and treatment

Intertrigo can form in children and adults throughout the year. But most often they appear in the summer, as heat and sweating contribute to their formation. What are the main causes of this skin…

Nickel allergies

Literature indicates nickel intolerance occurs in 17% of women and 5% of men. If nickel combines with cobalt, the risk of a reaction is as high as 30%. Allergies are so common that allergists and…

Hand cream

In the article, we advise how they differ and when to use which hand cream.  The range of hand creams is huge. The prices also vary enormously. How to choose the right hand cream?


Most people think of a rash as a reddened pimple on the skin. There are many such rashes. Which rash is the one that bothers you? We will try to reveal the most common ones.